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Treats are chocolate for horses. It is important that treats are healthy too so they can be given without having to think twice. There is where WiesenBussi come into play! AGROBS WiesenBussi are cereal-free treats based on the trusted Pre Alpin dried green fibre. Selected ingredients such as warm air-dried grasses and herbs, root vegetables and fruit is not only tasty, but also healthy. In its receipe, AGROBS has paid particular attention to a low starch and sugar content ensuring that overweight horses or horses with metabolism problems can enjoy WiesenBussi too. AGROBS WiesenBussi are suitable for all horses. The conscious lack of cereals and artifical additives guarantee a natural and appropriate treat.
Voedingssupplement voor paarden, ingrediënten: Pre Alpin gedroogde groene vezels*, bietenschijfjes, pastinaak, wortelen, appelvezels, moutgistaroma, kruiden (gezegende distel, bosbessenbladeren, rozenbottel, herderstasje, brandnetel), lijnzaad- en zonnebloemolie (koudgeperst), krijt van zeealgen, rode biet, honing. Ruw eiwit 9,60%, ruwe celstof 20,00%, ruwe oliën en vetten 3,00%, ruwe as 9,00%, calcium 2,00%, fosfor 0,30%, natrium 0,10%, zetmeel 3,50%, suiker 6,00%.
Artikelnr.: 985823
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